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More Bio Tips

Writer's picture: Laurie SwigartLaurie Swigart

As a Production Stage Manager here in New York, one of my duties is collecting the bios and proofing them for inclusion in PlayBill.

I always tell people that the bio is their space to do what they want.

However, if you are interested in having a career in the theater, keep in mind that when anyone in the audience goes, "Ooh, I really like the set design. I wonder who

did it?" They are going to go flipping through the program to find out about you. What do you want them to know? People who might be next to hire you are the ones

who are going to read it the most thoroughly. Many keep the programs, so that in the future they can go back and check who did what on some show that they liked to

hire them in the future.

Usually, it's best to list what you are personally the most proud of and what is most important to you.

Just for reference, you can read all of playbill's current bio's on-line. You can check the different types of venues and see how other set designers do theirs.

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