1. Help others learn your name and to help you learn theirs
2. To see how well you listen and follow directions
3. To see how well you cooperate in a group setting
4. To help you begin to identify weak areas that may need work
5. To help begin to build concentration and focus skills
6. To give you several methods you can use for relaxation
7. To build ensemble among the group
8. To help you loosen up and put aside inhibitions
9. To have fun in a constructive manner
1. Listen to instructions
2. If you don't understand something, ask for clarification
3. Do not ridicule or make fun of others
4. Give every exercise a chance
5. Focus on the task at hand
6. Don't evaluate until asked to do so
7. Look for the positive in each activity
8. Take an active part in the activity without comment
9. Don't interfere in the work of other individuals
10. NOTE: If you spend your time during these activities not focusing on the activity or making constant comments to and about others, the whole class will suffer. We cannot work in that type of atmosphere. Individuals who cannot work for the better of the group or who cannot listen and follow directions will be asked to sit out during the activity.
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