
20 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know about Hamlet -- ...or maybe you did.
20 Words We Owe to William Shakespeare -- Here are 20 examples of words we can thank Shakespeare for.
45 Hamlets -- On the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth, Michael Billington has picked the best Hamlets he's seen in each decade of his theatre-going life.
About William Shakespeare -- A range of information about William Shakespeare.
Absolute Shakespeare -- the essential resource for William Shakespeare's plays, sonnets, poems, quotes, biography and the legendary Globe Theatre.
Acting Shakespeare -- The working script prepared by stage manager Johnny Handy for the USA tour of 1987, which was the basis for all later performances.
Alan Tarica explores the sonnets of William Shakespeare -- an article by Bob Taylor, Communities Digital News.
All About William Shakespeare -- Despite his fame, Shakespeare is also very much a mystery, with gaps in his history that leave portions of his life incomplete or unknown.
Learning the known and documented details regarding the playwright and his work will help to develop a better overall image of his life and successes.
Approaching Shakespeare -- A series of lectures focusing on a single play by Shakespeare aiming to show the variety of different ways we might understand Shakespeare, the kinds of evidence that might be used to strengthen our critical analysis, and, above all, the enjoyable and unavoidable fact that Shakespeare's plays tend to generate our questions rather than answer them.
Background to the Study of English Theatre -- (self-explanatory)
BardBox -- A selection of the best and most interesting examples of original Shakespeare-related videos available on YouTube and other online sources.
Bardfilm -- A blog that comments on films, plays, and other matters related to Shakespeare.
Blogging Shakespeare -- Embracing Shakespearean conversation in a digital age.
Complete Works of William Shakespeare -- The Web's first edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare offering Shakespeare's plays and poetry to the Internet community since 1993.
Complete Works of William Shakespeare -- Includes plays, sonnets, poems, and additional material.
Community Shakespeare -- Using theatre as the means and Shakespeare as the inspiration, CSC invites all local students to participate in two different theatrical productions annually, one geared toward students in grades 3-7, another toward grades 7-12.
Early Shakespeare Film Adaptations -- King John, The Tempest, Richard III and More (1899-1936)
Early Modern London Theatres -- Lets you see what direct use has been made, over the last four centuries, of pre-1642 documents related to professional performance in purpose-built theatres and other permanent structures in the London area and tells you who used them, and when, and where you can find evidence of that use.
Elizabethan Theatre, The -- the text of a lecture by Professor Hilda D. Spear (University of Dundee).
Essays on Shakespeare -- General essays on a variety of Shakespearean topics.
Feast of St Crispin -- A non-profit organization bringing together professional actors with post deployment service veterans using the powerful words and stories of William Shakespeare in order to teach and strengthen emotional resources that veterans need to overcome traumatic and reintegration issues.
Folger Digital Texts -- Meticulousy accurate texts from the Folger Shakespeare Library Editions - the #1 Shakespeare texts in US classrooms.
Folger Library YouTube Channel -- Trailers , exhibitions, lectures, demonstration videos.
Folger Shakespeare Library -- Shakespeare’s world belongs to you. Come Explore.
Folger Shakespeare Library Teach and Learn -- Our growing online teaching resources provide Shakespeare lesson plans and other materials for teachers nationwide and around the world, including audio and video podcasts, our popular Teachers' Lounge forum (look for it under Teaching Resources at left), and an expanding list of web features. Meanwhile, Shakespeare for Kids offers plenty of Shakespeare-related games, activities, and creative fun.
Folgerpedia -- The Folger Shakespeare Library's collaboratively-edited encyclopedia of all things "Folger", including Shakespeare, of course.
Good Tickle Brain -- An eclectic collection of mostly Shakespeare-related comics and other miscellany.
Hamlet Haven -- This website hopes to assist in the navigation of Hamlet scholarship. It groups together scholarly publications that use similar approaches and that treat similar subjects--translating the overwhelming into the maneuverable.
Hamlet Line By Line -- So, what is the question? For me personally, the question is: How do I solve a problem like Hamlet? For visitors, the question(s) might be, what does Hamlet mean in the twenty-first century? In a post-modern or post-human society? In the Great White North? Take your pick, and dive in!
Handbook of Rhetorical Devices -- This book contains definitions and examples of more than sixty traditional rhetorical devices, many of which Shakespeare used in his writing.
Henslowe-Allen Digitisation Project -- the members of the Henslowe-Alleyn Digitization Project hope that making the manuscripts themselves available as photographic images will encourage further study and use of this very rich resource not just by literary, theatrical and manuscripts scholars, economic, social and regional historians and archaeologists but students, actors, directors and other theatre personnel, as well as all members of the general population of readers who are interested in the greatest age of English professional drama and theatrical production.
Holinshed Project Texts, The -- Welcome to the texts of Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, one of Shakespeare's most important resources.
Hotspur Ink. -- Shakespeare merchandise...with a smile.
International Database of Shakespeare on Film, Television and Radio -- This authoritative online database of Shakespeare-related content in film, television, radio and video recordings is international in scope, is regularly updated and currently holds nearly 8,000 records dating from the 1890s to the present day.
Internet Shakespeare Editions -- Shakespeare's works deserve the widest audience possible. The Internet provides the technology, so our aim is to provide the content, and to ensure that it is of the highest quality.
Klingon Hamlet -- Now at last, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Klingon Language Institute, this powerful drama by the legendary Klingon playwright, Wil'yam Shex'pir, can be appreciated in the elegance and glory of its original tongue.
Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature -- Combines several sites first created in 1996 to provide a starting point for students and enthusiasts of English Literature.
Map of Early Modern London -- Comprised of four distinct, interoperable projects: a digital Map and gazetteer based on the 1560s Agas woodcut map of London; an Encyclopedia of London people, places, topics, and terms; a Library of marked-up texts rich in London toponyms; and a versioned edition of John Stow's Survey of London.
Medieval Pavilion Resources -- Introduction and overview of sacred spaces and the known world architectural guild.
Medieval Re-enactments -- Ideas on how to stage your own medieval event.
Medieval Sourcebook -- This is an index of selected and excerpted texts for teaching purposes. Full texts of medieval sources arranged according to type. Saints' Lives Devoted to Ancient, Medieval and Byzantine hagiographical sources.
MIT Global Shakespeare Project -- Since 1992, The MIT Shakespeare Project has been constructing electronic environments and building tools for teaching and research based on digital copies of primary documents in all media, including texts, high resolution page images of early editions, digital collections of art, illustration and stage photographs, and film and performance videos.
Moliere in English -- Fifteen new versions of Moliere plays now available for production. Bringing Moliere to a new generation.
New Oxford Shakespeare -- A new consideration of Shakespeare’s works - Oxford Scholarly Editions Online.
No Sweat Shakespeare -- Globe Theatre facts.
No Fear Shakespeare -- Puts Shakespeare's language side-by-side with a facing-page translation into modern English, the kind of English people actually speak today.
Naxo's Audio Books -- Downloadable readings of some of Shakespeare's plays.
Open Source Shakespeare -- intended for scholars, thespians, and Shakespeare lovers of every kind, it attempts to be the best free Web site containing Shakespeare's complete works.
Open Source Shakespeare Concordance -- Concordance of Shakespeare's complete works.
Oxford English Dictionary -- Discover the story of English with more than 600,000 words, over a thousand years. Terrific resource for Shakespeare scholars when studying his language.
Playing for Shakespeare -- an interactive game introducing Shakespeare and his theatrical context in a fun and educational way.
PlayShakespeare.com -- Complete works of Shakespeare edited from the First Folio of 1623 (and Quartos where applicable) and the Globe Edition of 1866 as sources for the texts.
Plays of William Shakespeare, The -- Welcome to the Electronic Literature Foundation's presentation of the Plays of William Shakespeare.
Renascence Editions -- An online repository of works printed in English between the years 1477 and 1799.
REED -- The Records of Early English Drama (REED) project is discovering fresh evidence about medieval and renaissance entertainment for publication in volumes for all English, Scottish and Welsh counties.
Renstore.com -- A huge selection of Medieval and Renaissance clothing, accessories, armor, swords and other weapons, as well as historic games.
Royal Shakespeare Company -- Home of the RSC featuring season, box office, education, shopping, archives and more.
Royal Shakespeare Company for Young People -- Discover films, web pages and online activities that will help you explore Shakespeare, his language and his plays.
Shakespeare Association of America -- A non-profit professional organization for the advanced academic study of William Shakespeare's plays and poems, his cultural and theatrical contexts, and the many roles he has played in world culture.
Shakespeare Authorship Page -- Dedicated to the Proposition that Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare.
Shakespeare at a Glance -- Designed to let viewers learn all about William Shakespeare's life and works in the least amount of time.
Shakespeare Behind Bars -- The Mission of Shakespeare Behind Bars is to offer theatrical encounters with personal and social issues to incarcerated and post-incarcerated adults and juveniles, allowing them to develop life skills that will ensure their successful reintegration into society.
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust -- The world's leading charity in promoting the works, life and times of William Shakespeare, offering a unique Shakespeare centered experience with outstanding archive and library collections, inspiring educational and literary event programs and five wonderful houses all directly relating to Shakespeare.
Shakespeare Bulletin -- A peer-reviewed quarterly journal which publishes articles at the cutting edge of Shakespearean and early modern performance studies and theatre history.
Shakespeare Central -- A digital hub for Shakespeare media, multi-cultural education, theater promotion, and community building.
Shakespeare.com -- An interactive, hypermedia environment dedicated to the increasingly popular understanding and enjoyment of Shakespeare's plays and other works.
ShakespeareHigh.com -- An on-line Shakespearean glossary.
Shakespeare in American Communities -- The National Endowment for the Arts, in cooperation with Arts Midwest, is bringing professional theater productions of Shakespeare and related educational activities to Americans in small and mid-sized communities throughout the country.
Shakespeare Institute -- An internationally renowned research institution based in the heart of Shakespeare's beautiful Stratford-upon-Avon established in 1951 to push the boundaries of knowledge about Shakespeare studies and Renaissance drama.
Shakespeare Institute Review, The -- An online academic journal that is funded by the University of Birmingham College of Arts and Law. It is run by research students at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.
Shakespeare Magazine -- You have come to the right place if you teach Shakespeare, talk about Shakespeare, go to Shakespeare productions and films, or just plain love Shakespeare.
Shakespeare Mystery, The -- Who in fact was he?
Shakespeare Navigators -- Each Navigator has an annotated text, a dedicated search engine, and a scene index with brief summaries and more.
Shakespeare in Shackles -- National Geographic article featuring Laura Bates.
"Shakespeare has the power to educate convicted killers," says Bates, and to get them to examine what landed them in prison.
Shakespeare Online -- Resources to help you in the study of Shakespeare and his works.
Shakespeare Page -- The highlights of this site are digital facsimiles of Much Ado About Nothing and Love's Labour's Lost, extracted from a broken-up copy of the Second Folio of Shakespeare's works, published in 1632.
Shakespeare Parodies -- While the author attempted to follow Shakespeare's plots as closely as reasonably possible (for parodies), you should not rely on these scripts in a cheesy attempt to avoid reading the original works, while still hoping to pass your examinations.
Shakespeare Performance in Asia -- An extensive collection of videos of Asian Shakespeare performances for scholars, students, and anyone interested in Shakespeare or Asian cultures, including interactive maps and timelines, interviews, biographies of directors and actors, for understanding intercultural Shakespeare.
Shakespeare Quarterly -- A refereed journal committed to publishing essays in the vanguard of Shakespeare studies, notes that bring to light new information on Shakespeare and his age, debates on the latest research, reviews of significant Shakespeare performance, and book reviews to keep readers current with Shakespeare criticism and scholarship.
Shakespeare Saved My Life -- This make-a-difference story runs much like a Shakespearean play within a play. This is also a story about a book, The Complete Works of Shakespeare, containing 400-year-old plays, that saves more than one life. And now, it’s also about how the story of these stories that continues to make a difference in prisons and schools around the world as others become inspired by the plays, the stories, and the book about how the plays and stories make a difference.
Shakespeare's Search -- Search the database of Rhymezone to find words and phrases of Shakespeare's text.
Shakespeare Survey -- A yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production since 1948.
Shakespeare Teaching Resources -- Tried and true lesson plans for teachers by teachers.
Shakespeare Underground -- A podcast series that examines the works and life of William Shakespeare, and explores why there has been doubt about the authorship of the plays, Sonnets, and other poems.
Shakespeare Uncovered -- In a unique series of six films, Shakespeare Uncovered combines history, biography, iconic performances, new analysis, and the personal passions of its celebrated hosts o tell the stories behind the stories of Shakespeare's greatest plays.
Explore Shakespeare's Works -- The website of Shakespeare's Words, the online version of the best-selling glossary and language companion.
Shaksper: The Global Electronic Shakespeare Conference -- An edited and moderated, international, e-mail distribution list for discussion among Shakespearean scholars, researchers, instructors, students, and anyone sharing their academic interests and concerns.
Society for Creative Anachronism -- An international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe.
SparkNotes - Shakespeare -- Study guides for students.
Super Summary -- In-depth study guides written by experienced teachers, professors, and literary scholars for a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles including the works of William Shakespeare.
Survey of Shakespeare's Plays, A -- A course on Shakespeare's career covering several representative plays from all four genres.
Teaching Shakespeare as a Subject -- Shakespeare Magazine article listing a variety of resources for the Shakespeare classroom teacher.
Teachers Tackle Love and Shakespeare with Teens Behind Bars -- Podcast featuring incarcerated high school students on Rikers Island who are learning about love through the Shakespeare classic "Romeo and Juliet".
Theatre Inspirations: William Shakespeare -- Much of the life of Shakespeare that is documented does so by various events or milestones. These include his infant baptism, his marriage, the birth of his twin children, and the launch of his playwriting and acting. Though certain facts regarding his biographical history may be difficult to find, what remains is his enduring body of work that includes sonnets, comedies, tragedies, and historical features and plays.
Tudor Effigies -- A pilot resource available free to anyone interested in the cut and construction of 16th century dress.
Tudor Group, The -- An historical interpretation society concentrating on the later Tudor period (1560-1603 ).
Tudor History.org -- Topics in Tudor history.
Understanding Shakespeare -- Connecting digital texts from the Folger Shakespeare Library with articles on JSTOR.
University of Oxford Text Archive -- The Oxford Text Archive develops, collects, catalogues and preserves electronic literary and linguistic resources.
Victorian Illustrated Shakespeare Archive -- You name it, you can search it in this comprehensive collection of Shakespeare-related graphics.
Virtual Manuscript Room -- Digital reproduction of Shakespeare-related films, prompt books, manuscripts and correspondence.
Virtual Tour of Shakespeare's Globe -- Features the Stage, the Yard, and the Upper and Lower Galleries.
William Shakespeare Biography -- Slideshow showing highpoints of Shakespeare's life.
Words and Phrases Coined by Shakespeare -- A good list of Shakespeare's created words and phrases compiles by The Pathology Guy.
Year of Shakespeare -- A project documenting the World Shakespeare Festival, the greatest celebration of Shakespeare the world has ever seen.
Yet I'll Hammer It Out... -- A very fun and often tongue-in-cheek collections of thoughts and musing on Shakespeare in performance.